Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome, Fall Flowers!

The change in season means a few different things to the landscaping industry: leaf removal, colder temperatures and last, but not least, the exchange of  summer flowers for fall flowers. This process can take up to four weeks as colder air makes its entrance into the D.C. Metropolitan area.
You are likely to start seeing pansies replace begonias, violas taking place of vinca and mums making their own multicolored entrance into various beds and pots. These flowers are cold weather lovers and should perform well into next spring.
Watering may be cut back in the cooler weather and these hardy flowers should fill in quickly. More importantly, these flowers will provide the perfect backdrop to the vibrancy of the changing season, and incorporate a different feel for fall as we let go of summer.
If the process of removing summer flowers surprises you, there is no need to worry because there will soon be eye-catching fall flowers in their place to visually enhance the new season. 

Photo from Fairways North at Leisure World